
Food System Vision Prize

An invitation to envision regenerative and nourishing food futures for 2050. Meet the 10 global visionaries looking to improve the world’s food systems from the ground up.

Envision. Believe. Build.

Today, regions across the globe lack a positive vision for the future of their food systems. Available narratives about the future of the food system are typically negative and dystopian or they are technical utopias devoid of human engagement. These visions have proven to be ineffective in driving action and engagement to respond to climate change, disruptive technologies, shifting diets, and increasing resource demands.

Humanity has more knowledge, technology, social intelligence, and human capacity than ever before, all of which can be harnessed to create a food system that nourishes all people, grows the global economy, and protects a thriving environment. Despite this great potential, we have yet to see a credible and inspiring vision for our future global food system that can ignite a movement toward positive change.

  • 10billion

    people will inhabit the Earth by 2050

  • 60%more food

    will be needed by 2050 to meet the food requirements of a growing global population

  • 700+million

    people will have diabetes by 2050 if no action is taken to change eating habits

Our Approach

The Food System Vision Prize is an invitation for organizations across the globe to develop a Vision of the regenerative and nourishing food system that they aspire to create by the year 2050.

Recognizing the sobering need to replace dystopian narratives with positive futures that activate real change in food systems across the world, The Rockefeller Foundation launched the Food System Vision Prize 2050, an invitation for organizations, universities, institutions, companies, cooperatives and partnerships from around the world to create inspiring, compelling, and actionable visions of the world’s food systems by 2050. A prize of $2 million will be distributed among the winners

The Vision Prize, powered by SecondMuse and OpenIDEO, aims to amplify the discourse on the state and the future of the world’s many food systems.  It seeks to empower communities globally to develop actionable solutions and become protagonists in their own food future. A positive, inspirational Vision, in which we see the possible in our mind’s eye, is the necessary, creative opening to any act of innovation or development we make in the real world.

The Food System Visions created by people all over the world have the potential to ignite a movement and inspire diverse stakeholders to rally and unite behind them. Because if we can envision it, we can believe it. And only if we believe in it, will we build it.

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Food 2050 Video Series

Emboldened to unleash a nourishing, regenerative, and equitable food future, The Rockefeller Foundation and Media RED collaborated to create this breathtaking series that documents the extraordinary efforts of 10 global visionaries looking to improve the world’s food systems from the ground up.

Watch the Series

The Top 10 Finalists for the Food System Vision Prize

We are thrilled to announce the Top 10 Finalists for the Food System Vision Prize. These Finalists were selected from a pool of more than 1,300 applicants from 110 countries, all seeking to develop a Vision of the regenerative and nourishing food system that they aspire to create by the year 2050.

Explore the Visions